
Types of Membership offered


As per TSN Bylaws, we offer three kinds of membership:

  1. Life Membership—$150
  2. Annual Membership (Both Individual or family)—$35
  3. Student—$5


How to apply for Membership?


STEP 1 Membership form:

Please fill out this physical membership form or membership-google-Form and email it to


  • You can open the form and fill it out electronically. 
    • Mac users : You can use the preview app to edit and enter text in PDF files.
    • Windows users : You may use Nitro Reader (a free application) to edit and enter text in PDF files.
  • Once you fill out the form electronically, save the filled out form, and email it to the above email address as an attachment.
  • If you are a Student, you have to attach a photocopy/scan of your student card as proof and email it along with the application form.

STEP 2 Payment:

Make a payment for the type of membership you are applying.


  • Please pay by using the PayPal form below.  
TSN Membership

Once both the above steps are complete, we shall get in touch with you.  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions at any stage of the process.  Our contact information is in the footer of this page.

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